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Marcel Dijkers , PhD, Mount Sinai School of Medicine at

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Dijkers, M. (2000). The Community Integration Questionnaire. The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury.
combi/ciq ( accessed ).*

*Note: This citation is for the COMBI web material. Dr. Dijkers is not the scale author for the CIQ.





CIQ References

Burleigh SA, Farber RS, Gillard M. Community integration and life satisfaction after traumatic brain injury: Long-term findings. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 1998;52:45-52.
More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:

Corrigan JD, Deming R. Psychometric characteristics of the Community Integration Questionnaire: Replication and extension. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 1995;10:41-53.

Corrigan JD, Smith-Knapp K, Granger CV. Outcomes in the first 5 years after traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1998;79:298-305.
More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:

Dijkers M. Measuring the long-term outcomes of traumatic brain injury: a review of Community Integration Questionnaire studies. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 1997;12:74-91.

Gordon WA, Hibbard MR, Brown M, Flanagan S, Korves Campbell M. Community integration and quality of life of individuals with traumatic brain injury. In Rosenthal M, Griffith ER, Kreutzer JS, Pentland B, editors. Rehabilitation of the adult and child with traumatic brain injury. Third edition. Philadelphia: FA Davis, 1999:312-325.

Hall KM, Mann N, High WM, Wright J, Kreutzer JS, Wood D. Functional measures after traumatic brain injury: Ceiling effects of FIM FIM+FAM DRS and CIQ. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 1996;11:27-39.

Heinemann AW, Whiteneck GG. Relationships among impairment disability handicap and life satisfaction in persons with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 1995;10:54-63.

Millis SR, Rosenthal M, Lourie IF. Predicting community integration after traumatic brain injury with neuropsychological measures. International Journal of Neuroscience 1994; 79:165-7.
More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:

Paniak C, Phillips K, Toller-Lobe G, Durand A, Nagy J. Sensitivity of three recent questionnaires to mild traumatic brain injury: Related effects. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1999; 14(3):211-219.
More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:

Rosenthal M, Dijkers M, Harrison-Felix C, Nabors N, Witol A, Young ME, Englander JS. Impact of minority status on functional outcome and community integration following traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 1996;11:41-58.

Sander AM, Kreutzer JS, Rosenthal M, Delmonico R, Young ME. A multicenter longitudinal investigation of return to work and community integration following traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 1996; 11(5):70-84.

Sander AM, Seel RT, Kreutzer JS, Hall KM, High WM, Rosenthal M. Agreement between persons with traumatic brain injury and their relatives regarding psychosocial outcome using the Community Integration Questionnaire. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1997; 78:353-357.
More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:

Sander AM, Fuchs K, High WM, Hall KM, Kreutzer JS, Rosenthal M. Factor structure of the Community Integration Questionnaire revisited. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seattle, November 8-10, 1998.

Sander AM, Fuchs K, High WM, Hall KM, Kreutzer JS, Rosenthal M. The Community Integration Questionnaire revisited: An assessment of factor structure and validity. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1999; 80:1303-8.
More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:

Schmidt MF, Garvin LJ, Heinemann AW, Kelly JP. Gender- and age-related role changes following brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 1995;10:14-27.

Smith JL, Magill-Evans J, Brintnell S. Life satisfaction following traumatic brain injury. Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation 1998;11:131-140.

Tepper S, Beatty P, DeJong G. Outcomes in traumatic brain injury: self-report versus report of significant others. Brain Injury. 1996;10:575-581.
More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:

Willer B, Rosenthal M, Kreutzer JS, Gordon WA, Rempel R. Assessment of community integration following rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 1993;8:75-87.

Willer B, Linn R, Allen K. Community integration and barriers to integration for individuals with brain injury. In: Finlayson MAJ, Garner SH, editors. Brain injury rehabilitation: clinical considerations. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1994:355-75.

Willer B, Ottenbacher KJ, Coad ML. The Community Integration Questionnaire: a comparative examination. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 1994;73:103-111.
More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:

Willer B, Button J, Rempel R . Residential and home-based postacute rehabilitation of individuals with traumatic brain injury: a case control study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1999;80:399-406
More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:


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