COMBI >> Scales >> Rancho Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale >> FAQ


Tamara Bushnik , PhD, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center at

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Bushnik, T. (2000). The Level of Cognitive Functioning Scale. The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury.
combi/lcfs ( accessed ).*

*Note: This citation is for the COMBI web material. Dr. Bushnik is not the scale author for the LCFS.






LCFS Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Use of the Rancho results in the classification of a patient into one of eight levels. It seems that this would impact on its sensitivity.


1. Use of the Rancho results in the classification of a patient into one of eight levels. It seems that this would impact on its sensitivity.

The Rancho has been widely used but the categorical nature of the scale is its major drawback. Specifically, the scale has been criticized because it does not reflect subtle changes in recovery, does not differentiate changes along one dimension and not another, and it can be difficult to classify an individual when the patient manifests behavioral characteristics appropriate to more than one category of the scale.


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