Contact Mr. Jerry Wright Director, Research Administration Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Citation Wright, J. (2000). The FIM(TM). The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury. combi/FIM ( accessed
March 26, 2025
*Note: This citation is for the COMBI web material. Mr. Wright is not the scale author for the FIM.
FIM(TM) References
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Heinemann AW, Linacre JM, Wright BD, Granger CV. Relationships between impairment and physical disability as measured by the Functional Independence Measure. Arch Phys Rehabil 1993; 74:566-573. More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:8503745
Heinemann AW, Kirk P, Hastie BA, Semik P, Hamilton BB, Linacre JM, Wright BD, Granger CV. Relationships between disability measures and nursing effort during medical rehabilitation for patients with traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Rehabil 1997;78(2):143-149. More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:9041894
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Linacre JM, Heinemann AW, Wright BD, Granger CV, Hamilton BB. The structure and staility of the Functional Independence Measure. Arch Phys Rehabil 1994;75:127-132. More information is available from PubMed at this link, PMID:8311667
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