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Tom Novack, Ph.D.
University of Alabama at Birmingham




Novack, T. (2004). The Cognitive Log. The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury.
combi/coglog ( accessed March 7, 2025 ).





Introduction to the Cog-Log

The Cognitive Log (Cog-Log) provides a measure of general cognitive abilities that can be obtained at bedside. The creation of the Cog-Log is in answer to the need for a brief measure of cognition that can document progress during rehabilitation and provide an estimate of skills as assessed by more lengthy evaluations. The Cog-Log can be considered a companion measure to the Orientation-Log. Clinical experience suggests that people with brain disorders can be oriented (and perform well on the Orientation-Log), but still exhibit significant cognitive limitations, such as with respect to memory functioning and executive skills. The Cog-Log assists in evaluating this group. Typically, the Orientation-Log is administered initially. The Cog-Log is added to or replaces the O-Log when orientation is achieved.

The Cog-Log is not intended to supplant other assessments of mental status, such as the Cognistat or Mini-Mental Status Examination. These assessments tend to be more lengthy and require some materials, so it is more difficult to use them at bedside. The Cog-Log is intended to be used during morning rounds repetitively, so that change in cognitive status can be easily documented. The Cog-Log is not intended to replace more extensive evaluations of cognitive skills, such as found in a neuropsychological evaluation. The latter provides a much better means of gauging the severity of deficits in specific areas (such as memory and concentration skills) and thus provides more information to guide rehabilitation efforts. As a general measure of cognitive status, the Cog-Log does not provide information about specific areas of cognitive ability except in very cursory fashion.

Information regarding the Cog-Log was contributed by the University of Alabama at Birmingham Traumatic Brain Injury Care System. Please contact Tom Novack, Ph.D., at for more information.

If you find the information in the COMBI useful, please mention it when citing sources of information. The information on the Cognitive Log may be cited as:

Novack, T. (2004). The Cognitive Log. The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury. ( accessed March 7, 2025 ).



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